1) Limtrakarn,
W. and Dechaumphai, P. “Computations of High–Speed
Compressible Flows with Adaptive Cell–Centered Finite Element
Method.” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 2003,
26:553-563., (impact factor 0.172)
2) Limtrakarn, W. and
Dechaumphai, P. “Adaptive Finite Element Method for High–Speed
Flow–Structure Interaction.” ACTA MECHANICA SINICA, 2004.,
(impact factor 0.734)
3) Limtrakarn, W. and
Dechaumphai, P. “Interaction of High–Speed Compressible Viscous
Flow and Structure by Adaptive Finite Element Method”, KSME
International Journal, 2004., (impact factor 0.249)
4) Kanchanomai, C., Limtrakarn, W.
and Mutoh, Y., “Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior in Sn-Pb Eutectic
Solder/Copper Joint Under Mode I Loading”, Mechanics of Materials,
Vol. 37, 2005, pp. 1166-1174. (impact factor 1.045)
5) Limtrakarn, W., “Comparison
in the Stress Analysis of 2D Solid Mechanics Problems of Finite
Element Method and Photoelasticity”, KMUTT Research and Development
Journal, Vol. 28 (1), 2005.
6) Limtrakarn, W., “Stress
Analysis on Crack Tip Using Q8 and Adaptive Meshes”, Thammasat
International Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 10 (1),
7) Limtrakarn, W., “Nodeless
Finite Element Method for 2D Potential Flow Problems”, Thammasat
International Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 10 (4),
8) Limtrakarn, W., Dechapanichkul,
B., Olarnrithinum, S., Jirathearanat, S., and Jirathearnart,
“Comparison of Finite Element Solution and Photoelastic Results
for 2–D Contact Mechanics Problems”, KMUTT Research and Development
Journal, Vol. 29 (3), 2006.
9). Kanchanomai, C. and Limtrakarn,
W., “Effect of Residual Stress on Fatigue Failure
of Carbonitrided Low-Carbon Steel”, Journal of Materials Engineering
and Performance, Vol. 17 (6), 2008. (In press, impact factor
= 0.378)
10) Limtrakarn, W., “Nodeless
Variables Finite Element Method for 2D Heat Transfer Problems”,
KMUTT Research and Development Journal, Vol. 31 (3), 2008.
11) Krajarng, A., Limtrakarn, W.,
Reepolmaha, S., andUthaisang-Tanechpongtamb , W., "Primary
Culture of Porcine CornealEndothelial Cells: A Tool for Molecular
Investigation of CornealEndothelial Function", Thai J
Ophthalmol 2008, July- December 22(2):118-126.
12) Limtrakarn,
W., Yodsangkham, A., and Dechaumphai, P.,"Determination
of KI, KII and Trajectory of Initial Crack by AdaptiveFinite
Element Method and Photoelastic Technique", ExperimentalTechniques,2009.
(In press, impact factor = 0.4)
13) Reepolmaha S.,
Limtrakarn, W., Uthaisang-Tanechpongtamb W., andDechaumphai,
P., "Fluid Temperature at the Corneal EndotheliumDuringPhacoemulsification:a
Comparison of an Ophthalmic ViscosurgicalDevice(IAL-F) and
Balanced Salt Solution (BSS) by a Finite ElementMethod",
Ophthalmic Research, (Submitted, impact factor = 1.25)
14. Limtrakarn,
W., Yodsangkham, A., Namlaow, A., and Dechaumphai,
P., "Determination of KI, KII and Trajectory of Initial
Crack by Adaptive Finite Element Method and Photoelastic Technique",
Experimental Techniques, doi: 10.1111/j.1747-1567.2009.00527.x,
2009. (Impact factor = 0.4)
15. Reepolmaha, S., Limtrakarn,
W., and U.T., W., and Prompongsa, D., "Comparative
Temperature at Corneal Endothelial Level between Ophthalmic
Viscosurgical Device and Balanced Salt Solution during Phacoemulsification",
Thai J. Ophthalmol, Vol. 23 (1), 2009.
16. Reepolmaha, S., Limtrakarn,
W., U.T., W., and Dechaumphai, P., "Fluid
Temperature at the Corneal Endothelium during Phacoemulsification
a Comparison of an Ophthalmic Viscosurgical Device (IAL-F)
and Balanced Salt Solution (BSS) by a Finite Element Method",
Ophthalmic Research, 2009. (In press, Impact factor = 1.25)
17. Limtrakarn,
W., Namlaow, A., and Dechaumphai, P., "KI
and KII Determinations of Cracks with Different Inclusions
by Adaptive Meshing and Reflection Photoelasticity Technique",
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2009. (Submitted, Impact factor
= 1.713)
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